To register, visit Apprendre le français.
English guide for the platform Apprendre le français
If you need further assistance, please visit our institution for personal assistance. (A status document is required for registration; SIN information for financial assistance; and Birth certificate and the status document of the children if garderie allowance is required)
Google translate function of Chrome would be recommended in case you need other language than English or French to navigate the platform.
Please click the following to see how to enable the function: Click here
French is the official and common language of Quebec. It is the language of public institutions, work, education, communications, commerce and business. French is also a common symbol of belonging and participating in Quebec society.
To learn or better your French skills, visit Apprendre le français at Qué
This is the single point of access starting from 1st of June to French learning services for:
- persons 16 years of age and older who are living in Québec:
- immigrants;
- Canadian-born;
- workers in companies who wish to receive these services;
- people who plan to settle in Quebec.
French courses from the Government of Quebec are free. Financial assistance is also offered to eligible persons, under certain conditions.
These French courses are offered:
- full-time or part-time;
- in class or online;
- in all regions of Quebec.
There are also course formulas:
- entirely online or in class;
- specialized by field of employment;
- in a working environment.
Our school is a proud partner of the Government of Quebec in offering part-time French learning services at the beginner and intermediate levels.